Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Here is something i wanna do when i have the time and resources... firstly i need a good picture... than i will do this:
Steady ma.... using photoshop... i will put real pencils and stuff than i put the photo there... plus my EZ link card to show that it is on my table... the background obviously will be a table... ahah....
Today i had a test in the afternoon... did a mess out of it and wonder whether i will fail it or not...
very sian... study very hard for it but in the end don't understand what the question is asking for.... F***... stupid module.... so i have 1 more module i hate now... CB .... to hell with this module... F***
sian... don wanna blog le...
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I was going to post something in the morning but in the end nv save and i ran off le -_-" ... to cut it short... i got a new PS 2 YAY!!!! But i got tell my mum that i now very busy no time to play de... she said "oh, i not buying for you... its for your Eugene(my youngest brother)" than i straight away demoralise.... haha.... but nvm... as long as i have PS 2 can le... LOL.... ya... eh.... tml got test on CB!!! Sibei sian lei.... got PS 2 but cannot play =_=... now updating a bit before i carry on studying... haha... but now i suddenly found out that i have nothing much to blog about.... so i will end this post off with a pic of Eugene! LOL!
(Eugene the youngest member of my family. Loves going out with friends and can stay out whole day and in the end kena scold by my mother. Single but no available... what lau he so young can!!! Suxs at sch result good at gaming and what made him this way? ME! LOL... too bad la he got me as a brother =P)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I don't like my TEMPER... very easy to get angry... yup... but thats me... i cannot change it one lor... unless there got some anger contorl courses =_=" which i won't go also because!!!!! A Kang An that don't get angry easily is not me liao... so no point... yup yup... but after i cool down hor... if i am in the wrong i usually appolegise de.... so currently still don have any major problem yet... haha... friends that cannot stand my temper can just leave me for all i care... yup yup... bcuz all the friends i have till now can stand it... Sian la... Tommy haven't call me to go for LG job training yet... maybe i no chance le =( .... haha... but quite happy also la... anyway i don think i have alot of time to work... haha... ok la... see ya!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
6 days never blog liao... been too busy with sch works and cca commitment... haha... ya here to update... eh... ok lets start with something lame la... i fell down today while i was sliding down the bar beside the stairs... (Changda that arse block me!!!) and the impact is super loud.... i fell at lvl 3 i think lvl 2 one will thinks its an earthquake ba =_=".... now quite shagged also... next week got 2 ICAs lei... sian 1 & 1/2 lor... haiz... term break still got CCA things... take up around 3 to 4 days... project take up the rest... stupid sia.... NAFA on 30 June... YAY! see me fail ba!! WAHAHHA... i think i will be the last to finish... want to start training now also no motivation... haiz... ok la... i very tired le... wanan go be heavenly pig in my 2 yrs plus old bed le... wahaha... see ya...
PS: Information is the most powerful thing on Earth!!!!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Conquering Others is Strength
Conquering Yourself Is True Power
In a way or another, I totally agreed with these sentences.
It is easy to conquer other but to conquer your inner fear, now that is hard.
As a human being, we are scared of the unknown.
If we do not know an answer or we cannot foresee the outcome,
We will be scared.
One example, you wanted to go for a job interview.
But you are afraid of the person not hiring you.
So you have 2 choices, go and try or forget about it.
If you can conquer this fear of the person not hiring you,
You have conquered part of yourself.
But that being said,
I think no one will be able to fully conquer him or herself
Because the future is uncertain
You will never know what ordeal you will be facing
What I wanted to say is…
Do not be afraid to do something and feared being wrong or what so ever
At least if you tried you won’t live to regret it =D
Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Start" to me, is a very important word in life.
To me, if I do not start to do something like improving myself to be a better person,
I never will… Once you started to do something, you should not quit half way.
There is a saying “Taking the first step is always the hardest but after you take the first step, everything will be smooth sailing after that”
(Pardon me for my poor England)
Things that I want to start doing:
1) Go for Job interview (I never got interviewed before)
2) Start exercising (But Jun Xiong don’t want to lend me his dumbbell)
3) Working harder in studies (Year 3 already man)
4) Secret (Hint: I don’t want to be alone)
Monday, May 08, 2006
It is the 2nd week of school already and I am still not used to classical. I finally found out what will be torturing me through out this semester. 6 Theory Modules, tremendous amount of ICAs and 4 killer exams. Of all the 6 modules, the one I hate the most at this point of time are Entrepreneurship and Effect Report Writing. Currently only Contact Center Management caught my interest as I found out that the contents are quite easy. I have neutral interest in the rest of the modules. The reasons for not liking the two above modules are actually quite simple. For Effective Report Writing, I have very weak command of English especially grammar and for Entrepreneurship, I basically hates project work. I hope I would find interest in the rest of the modules if not I am doom to eternity (Ok la… not eternity la… doom for 3 months)…
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Well well well.... 6 month of TEP passes in an blink of eye and i am already through the second day of classical... "sian" is the word... books and more notes to read on... ICA coming up soon... especially got 1 project based one... i don like project works... its harder to do especially when we have 4 ppl from DBI... i don mean that they don do their work but because we different major and different class... its hard to meet up and such... and will always lead to doing one part ourselves than compile without knowing what they have done and vice versa... found out today that i will not be able to join in for Calculas since the registration is already closed... happy and sad feeling... happy is that i will have 1 less module to worry on... sad is that if i wanna go "U"... my life in "U" will be super tedious due to the fact that i have no knowledge in A maths.... haha... but nvm la... i better focus on my 6 modules.... today went to watch the Grand Finale... it was worth the time because i saw Sammy jamming haha... and also alot of cool stuffs like the last play that is very lame but the M.jackson dance was super zhai... haha... i found out that all the 3 years of grand finale i got attend... so my poly life not that bad... hehe...