Saturday, December 30, 2006
New skin... major diff is now very bright cause its white instead of black... haha... enjoy~~~
I am worth $2,006,936 on
How much are you worth?
NANI! What is the seven world of the world? Can someone tell me? I search the net than found this:
The Pyramids of Egypt are three pyramids at Giza, outside modern Cairo. The largest pyramid, built by Khufu (Cheops), a king of the fourth dynasty, had an original estimated height of 482 ft (now approximately 450 ft). The base has sides 755 ft long. It contains 2,300,000 blocks; the average weight of each is 2.5 tons. Estimated date of completion is 2680 B.C.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were supposedly built by Nebuchadnezzar around 600 B.C. to please his queen, Amuhia. They are also associated with the mythical Assyrian queen Semiramis. Archeologists surmise that the gardens were laid out atop a vaulted building, with provisions for raising water. The terraces were said to rise from 75 to 300 ft.
The Statue of Zeus (Jupiter) at Olympia was made of gold and ivory by the Greek sculptor Phidias (5th century B.C.). Reputed to be 40 ft high, the statue has been lost without a trace, except for reproductions on coins.
The Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus was begun about 350 B.C., in honor of a non-Hellenic goddess who later became identified with the Greek goddess of the same name. The temple, with Ionic columns 60 ft high, was destroyed by invading Goths in A.D. 262.
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was erected by Queen Artemisia in memory of her husband, King Mausolus of Caria in Asia Minor, who died in 353 B.C. Some remains of the structure are in the British Museum. This shrine is the source of the modern word mausoleum.
The Colossus at Rhodes was a bronze statue of Helios (Apollo), about 105 ft high. The work of the sculptor Chares, who reputedly labored for 12 years before completing it in 280 B.C., it was destroyed during an earthquake in 224 B.C.
The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria was built by Sostratus of Cnidus during the 3rd century B.C. on the island of Pharos off the coast of Egypt. It was destroyed by an earthquake in the 13th century.
I think wrong lei... only Pyramids i agree BUT! where is the great wall of china? Where is the don know what tower? =_=" Confused.... than now they are voting for the new seven wonders of the world... nani... wonder will expire one mehz =_=... too long become goner?
New seven wonders vothing:
Friday, December 29, 2006
zzZZZZ... holiday is ending soon and all my plan of doind project and reading textbook have not been done... muahahah... i am dead... =_=" ... some random thoughts... there are 193 countries in the world... I visited Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Korean... barely scratch the surface of the earth... haha... there are many must see all over the world but we are been occupy with work, studies, work, earning money... so don think we will be able to see a lot of stuff... haha... imagine your work is all about travelling around to the different parts of the world taking photos of the landscape, scenario and other stuff... wouldn't it be fun? But at the same time... you might miss home... so yup... pros and cons... haha...
Anyway, my life is simple... and I liked it =D
Monday, December 25, 2006
Love Actually:
Just watched this show yesterday.... was a very very nice show... the whole story is just about if you love someone just tell him/her... Sometimes you have to scacifc for love...
Love does not limited itself to BGR...
Friends can love each other
You can love your family members
Age is not a problem
Language is not a barrier
Race is not a issue
Social Status is not an obstacle
Love actually...
Sunday, December 24, 2006
OK! Now for second day... we woke up early for the breakfast....(actually not early la.... 11am end we go at 10am, muahaha) not much food left and the food is not nice one... no varieties... haha... BUT!!! The service there is super good... the staff there will ask you whether you need coffee, they would pour for you... and you ask anything they would try to help... service is number one! Haha... than we slack around till our bus come and pick us up to the other hotel we will be staying at.... its called Putri Graden i think... haha... anyway... the hotel location not bad because right across the road is Nagoya Hill shopping center... so we could always visit when we are bored... haha.... AND there is free suana, steam room, wirlpool (practically is hot spring la) there! Unlimited access! haha.... We put down our lugguage and went for lunch... Lunch was at BFC (BEST FRIED CHICKEN)... yes we have tasted the best friend chicken on earth as the sign says so... haha
Before we left Golden View:
After that we went for the whirlpool and other stuff... when night falls, we went for our dinner at Fishermen's resturant... I can only say that the food there is affordable, excellent, best we had on batam and their service standard is super duper good.... STRINGLY Recommanded to anyone who go to Nagoya Hill sopping mall... haha... and while walking back... we notice a new KFC in the process of building.... afternoon when we went it was... nothing there.... at night it was like 50% completed... NANI! there work efficiency super power! And their staff is all in one de... do carrying, nailing, painting, polishing the glass... they all wear KFC uniforms... soon they would be serving you at the counter... haha.... We played Monopoly at the hotel at night to pass time.... JX that flop guy... had bloog running down his nose AGAIN (pls recall Genting the same thing happened)... haha... he too *Heaty* LOL....
JX the bloody flop guy:
Anyway... while playing monopoly half way... i had a deal with JX to exchange my Geylang with his Battery Road.... SHOULD NOT HAVE CHANGE!!!! Th e curse of the battery road returned again to me... and i am the first to declare bankcrupt... SOB! After the game we went off to sleep and return to Singapore the fine! city... QQ flop... he felt like vomitting... haha.... anyway I saw the donut shop which my colleagues says its very nice... Wei Hao ate the Tiramisu flavour and love it... (he wanted to get another one but we were out of time)... I bought one box... in the end most of it ended up in my stomach... haha.... ok thats all! OH YA! For the 3d2n trip... not much rain... HAHA!!! When meng siang told me it will rain for the 3 days i was not affected! Althought weather forecast is suppose to be 90% accurrate... I belive in the 10% and since the forecast come from Meng Siang... I add in another 40%.... LOL!!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
YOZ! I am back from the Batam trip! Haha! It was a enjoyable and relaxing trip although the things we can do there was limited BUT!!! friends make up for it... haha! Ok lets start from first day... first day was well... SHAG... bcuz we woke up darn early for the trip and ytd night i was bombarded by Jess and Minzhen for sovenir... and well... the rock i promise to bring to them was rejected at the custom so no rock from Batam!
Pictures during the boat trip to Batam (Our boat was Batam Fast= slow, Sea Riader 2)
The brokeback guys in action:
The rest of the flop gang: (NO I don wanna be in the middle!)

When we reached... its was earlier than the time expected by the toursit Linda... so she bought us to KTM Resort to see see...
KTM Resort:

The flop emo gang (QQ,Wei Hao & JX):
The artistic photo (with the exception of JX bcuz he look at the camera):
Ok after that place we went back to pick up the rest of the tourist and off we go! We went to a few temples but nv took photo because not good to do so...
We went to see some indonesian perform their traditional dance... i thought dance only but they also perform eating red hot coal, eating glass.... jumping over the fire ring... hmmm than i was thinking they need to work so darn hard to earn a living and we singaporean are complainting over small little things... haiz...

than finally we went for massage... its was lame because we 7 ppl are aling side each other than we draw the curtain to talk... in the end... the staff put away the curtain so we talk and lame each other haha... nice massge although i feel more pain than relax... LOL... the lunch and dinner for the 1st day was completely heaven vs hell... haha... Lunch was flop while dinner was simply great although we ate the same dishes... haha... Sammy was totally shagged all the way since he did not sleep the night before... LOL
Finally we went back to the 5 star hotel called Golden view... actually is like Genting de hotel... haha... no diff... their 5 star = 4 star... nothing much to do there so we drank and ate so snacks while watching the Tien Cai GOGOGO! LOL... watched finished than we went off to selep le...
some random pics we took before going off to sleep...
QQ and Me:
JX and Me (JX flop sit until so stern..muahah!) :
So we decide to take something like this:
We tried to capture a jumping shot...(We tried over 20 times i think): 
The more successful jump?:

haha... that it for the first day!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
While looking back at my previous entries, I found out that my Blog is already 2 years old... nani! Time pass so fast can... Happy very de belated birthday to my blog... LOL... eh anyway... yesterday night i spend some time thinking why i create my blog... ppl blog for diff purpose... to vent anger... as a personal diary... to show and promote your ugly self to the world.... haha... eh... than i think what i blog for.... hmmm... than i realise its to entertain people who visit my blog... just give them some laughter... and i would be happy to do so... haha... i nv wrote personal stuff about myself inside (ok not nv la... i mean real personal stuff) because i think if you wanna know more about me than the best way would be talking to me or just by hanging out with me... haha... hmmm ok la... need to pack back for my Batam trip le.... depressing news from meng siang, he said it will be raining for the next 3 days... sian.... pray hard that it wont rain....
Monday, December 18, 2006
Hi! Sorry for not blogging for a while... haha been busy with project the last week and since now is holidays... I no mood to blog also... LOL! I calculated that I will have 3 weeks of holidays! SHIOK! Long long time no holiday le... at for your info, during holiday i wont blog much one because i will be playing away all my precious time... haha... but i am struck with 5 projects i think... can die.... so cant really enjoy... haiz... anyway... been playing this few days... will only start working on it when i come back from my Batam trip... YES! I will be going to Batam with JX, Sammy, Wei Hao, QQ, TW and Siang zai that flop guy! LOL... it will be a 3 days 2 night trip... never go before so quite excited... =D But one of my colleague who just gotten back from Batam was sick for 1 week.... she said I better be careful... NANI! Pray pray pray! I very lucky one... Ha li lu ya... eh... na mo oh mi for hor... Ah Men... (ok I go and offer joss stick now...) OK! All pre work done! LOL!
Today went Lot 1 watch Eragon with JX,WH,TW... not bad but the pacing a bit too fast... suddenly fight last battle le... nani! After the movie was Dinner at Cafe Cartel! Nice dinner we had although the selection was limited due to the ingredient been out of stock... cannot eat my chicken... haha... Herry joined us for dinner... had a nice chat... and we went home.... ok thats all... see ya!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Today was IB ICA presentation... wasnt too confidence with the presentation at first because I found out that i had misintepret something on my way to school.... haha.... anyway... I was thinking why my presentation sometimes so flop one... than i found out that maybe becuase of my speaking skills.... i cant speak english fluently... always erm and eh here and there... BUT!!! i don think can improve in a short time de... SO!!!! I will start to become a Ang Mo! Next time you see me i will speak english and not england! Muahahah....
Anyway, while talking to JX regarding this issue, we agreed that its is becase we are not confidence with our speech and we lack knowledge on what we are presenting thats why we have no confidence.... welll true arent it? If i ask you to talk about something you have been doing for many yrs... you coudl said it confidently... yep... Life long learning nv stops!!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Hmmm.... Today morning I ate Wanton mee at 10+++ Ate my lunch at 1+++ Ate one bread at 5+++ than ate curry rice for dinner at 6+++... 7+++ drink soup..... 8+++ Eat dou hua... 10+++ eat fruits.... shit! I will become fat again! Arg! Maybe its because of my mother Pysco me... everyday must said one time... your face look so skinny... must EAT EAT EAT!!! NANI!
7th December 2006 R.I.P My Nokia 6230i.... one of the best phone in the world....
Phrase from Li Juan: "Aiya... don brood over the phone... NEW one don go NEW one don come...." K i don understand wad she wanna said but i guess is old one don go new one don come.... haha... yesterday went down to get my new Sim card so I could use my number again... my mum lend me her old handphone... no camera de... not bad bad la... can use can le... the service quite good... very fast and efficiency... like 15mins nia i can go le... haha... (Thanks for accompanying me down JX!)
Wad i sian is all the contacts, the 60++ lame handphone messages, photos, birthday notes, FM function, ease of use and other stuff... ALL lost... haiz... so if you call me i don know who are you don blame me...
PS. Pls bombard me with all the lame messages so i can have archeive again!! haha!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Yay! I finally got my appeitite back... Morning ate two ham and cheese bread in the morning.... drink 1 can of Latte.... ate Black Pepper Chicken Chop in the afternoon, ate Shreded Chicken Marcononi for tea break, at esome ja ba lang tibits... haha... now eating dinner! Yay! My healthy life style back... lol....
Oh today morning when I wanted to go to school, there was some problem with the MRT train... guess what? Some idiot jump down the platform again... stupid idiotic person... wanna jump go jump else where la... choose the timing at morning peak hour also... want everyone to know like that... don understand them.... Suicide is never the way out... you know you die le will become better off mehz? Later in that world also cham even more cham....
anyway... got to do my PR project le... see ya
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Wa! Wa! Wa! Lots and lots of project.... I haven even started anyone of it! Die le... zzzZZZZ... I seriously thinks that NYP is giving the students too much modules to study... 6 modules per sem is killer... plus for this sem there are 5 modules that have text book to read de... die die die ... all theory somemore... haizzzz... last sem still have to stress over project... nani! Die die have to do tml and finish up the IB report... (Hmmm... i used a lot of "die" lei... haha)