Friday, February 23, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
HAPPY CNY!!! Ok, CNY has always been boring to me cause its much of a rountine than gathering... went over to my grandmum house for reunion dinner last night... felt weird without my aunt and Uncle Hong Y in the gathering.... just eat and than chit chat a bit and went house le... yup... nothing special happened... ppl loves CNY but for me its nothing much... haha... don know why... well our families live this way... yup... haha...
Some pics I kop from KK blogs since no one send me any yet:

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Yesterday was considered the last day of sch... took many pictures, had our lunch at Naked Fish restaurant and went back to sch library to "study" (Basically I read comic, sleep and study 3 pages on IMC only =D) night its off to causeway point for our final CNY clothes!!! Had our dinner there than went to shop le... first stop is LP Zone... found a nice looking polo-t and cheap cheap also only at $13.30, muahaha.... there is a printing "game world" on it... suitable for me..hohoho... so in the end four us bought the green polo-t... than thought of buying S & K Jeans as well but we went to look around more 1st if not we would have finish buying everything le... haha... next stop was men master... not nice de... so i nv look around much... after that we went to Metro... look at Lee Jeans... hahah took 1 and try... not bad so we decided to buy... the lame thing is that...Me and QQ bought the same jeans, Wei Hao and JX bought anothe same jeans from Lee also (but we are straight can!!!)
After that we wentto john little to look for a shirt to match our jeans... haha... looked around and tested quite alot of shirts... our chging room were beside one another so you can see shirts flying around... LOL... 2 of us share a chging room to save time.. haha... Yup ypu... test and test finally bought a shirt as well... well i will end with some pics!!!
Pics in the changing room (Uncensored!!!):
Rare ocassion of wearing blazzer:
Saturday, February 10, 2007
YESH! All our project have finally been done!!! YAY!!! Ok i'm left only with IB presentation next week but present only so nothing much le! MUAHAHAHAH!!! STEADY!!! Today and Tml I will REST, PLAY, SLEEP, RELAX because I think I deserve it =D Well anyway... I still have my final lap to go which is my examination... the examination fall right btw new year so I cant celebrate much thou.. haha... BUT!!! Ang Bao give me can need eat nvm de.. hohoho!
After exam I will play all my games! No one and nothing can stop me! Eh... maybe if got power failure can stop me... maybe if got natural disaster can stop... maybe if god make the power button of my PS 2 to be spoilt can stop me... My mother can stop me -_-" NANI!!! So many thing can stop me! Ok nvm... i pray hard 1st... lol
These 2 cats show I am experienced for the past 1 week... HELP! And than PLay games le! Wohooo!!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Some Hilarious Rock lee cosplay: 

| | 9999/Infinite | WTF | | | |
Magnataur!!! My new dota fave hero! Haha!
Arg! Ytd I expected my body to be super pain from the Nafa test but!!! I nv except to be in more pain on the second day! nani! my body aching all over -_-"
Saturday, February 03, 2007
ARG!!! I failed my NAFA as expected... haha... nani... my sit up only 32 times... coz we nv ba ga.... nani... lol... Pull up = 0... understooded.... standing board 235cm... hohoho this one quite easy for me most of the time... haha... sit and reach failed at 34cm -_-"... BUT!!!! Shuttle runnnnnnn I got 10.2 sec which is my only "A"!!!! LOL.... eh... 2.4 I cheat coz i run 5 rounds time 17 minutes plus le... than i gave up liao... haha.... sitting there rest while others came back puzzle why i fater than them hohohoho.... haha... anyway its the 1st time I ran 3 rounds non stop so I am quite happy le... I used the breathing method taught by Herry... breath in using nose and mouth... haha.. darn effective! haha... anyway after that was Basket Ball for a while and dinner than finally back to project T,T
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Suddenly feel very sad when talking to JX... our 3 years of poly life is coming to at end... and we will all go seperate ways after this... chances of meeting up are slim... Thru out my 3 years of poly life... i think i made great friends... who is there to help me when i need them... sharing most of my joy but not sadness coz i don really shows and definitely my anger, LOL... without them, poly life would be a big flop... fate made our path interwine and we all meet and become friends... it will definitely be something nice to think about when i am old... what great friends I had...
QQ: The polite kia (by my mum)
JX: Emo shit
TW: Another act emo shit
WH: Michael Porter
Herry: Hairy Haryadi, mao mao and many others
Sammy: Bear cum lucid dream
MS: Siang zai
Darren: Da ren
Hani: Honey honey!
KK: KK -_-
Min Zhen: Piggy
Jess: eh... mo li hua? LOL
Joan: dou pork queen
YH: 81
Peter: Pete the feeder
Kha Ying: Hitsu
Jamie: MY plus JIMMY!
Ser Ser: Wet wet
Esther: Esther Chan
Von: Von Goh
Tan Li Juan: Li Ju An
And many more la flop! haha! I am not god! cant remeber everyone name!
P.S if you are left out and wanna be added in the hall of fame pls tag and it will be done... LOL
My conversion with my Laming partner in Sec sch goes like thsi when he saw my msn pic:
Kel (one of my best fren in Sec): ?
Kel : Can tell m, wad ur msn pic telling?
Kel : =X
Kel : I got MCQ
Kel : 1) you over-stress
2) you crying
3) eyes tired
4) u laming
Kel : Choose 1 XD
Me: 4) laming
Kel : I KNEW IT!
Me: The pic shows me talking to myself
Me: oh
Me: Why am i so lame
Kel : lolx
Kel : WTF!
Kel : nice answer!
Kel : let me write it down