Hey yo! I am back!!! Haha! The Vietnam trip was a very hectic trip… we 团体比较红 is doing promotion of our band at Vietnam. Why Vietnam u might ask … because our Manager Miss Goh Min Zhen did an analysis and found out there is a huge potential over there because there isn’t any Chinese plus English band there… muahahah… we invited out No.1 Fan cum President of our 团体比较红 fan club, Miss Tan Li Juan to join us.
Anyway the WSG(West Side Gang, 哲孟 not there so we went back to be WSG 1st) decided camp out at the Changi airport to save cab money haha we reached there at around 1230?? (we 团体比较红 is very thrifty de) Anyway… we roam around the changi airport…. Nothing much to do so we went to the viewing gallery room of some sort to see planes haha… there we chat and eat our Jolly Bean Peanut pancake plus soya bean drink. Talk a bit and than decided to find a better place to sleep…
Wander around some more and we gotten ourselves to the basement area… there got 1 place bop pl de… played a bit of tai di (Got police walking all around the airport...haha) and that went off to la la land to recover a bit of our energy.
I set the alarm and woke up to meet Li Juan, Min Zhen plus 哲孟. I still got to morning call them flop la!!! Anyway… after we meet up we went to find breakfast but all very expensive and so we decided to eat cup noodles at 达坤 “fave” place CHEERS. All bought and put in hot boiling water except me the suay kai run out of water… zzZZZ
The staff said got to wait a wait for the water to boil… I too tall cannot see the lights of the water heater…. I tot boiled le than I put water in the end I ate the not so cooked noodles but my stomach can take it mauhahahahahahha After that we went straight to prepare to board the plane… ROTO and达坤plus Min zhen got the window seats which I don fancy =)
The plane ride was smooth but the flight was delayed due to some bastard that came late #$%^%*&(* Anyway when we reached Vietnam, Min Zhen Bro plus his Wife is there to fetch us haha…. We took cab that is super cheap (1 ride is about $4-6 depending on distance) to find our so called hotel (which turned out to look more like a chalet, you will see later)
To summarise our long 7 days of promo week at Vietnam, We were busy doing preparing for our performance on the Wedding night. We played Cluedo to destress ourselves so we could perform better. One of the Cluedo game, all odds are against me and I won in 3 round onli muaahhahah Shen!!! One of the most flop things that happened was that on the day of the wedding which is also our performance day, the electricity and water supply was cut off and will onli be up at 5 plus... -_-" we all bathed using the drinking water and used like very little to bath haha... anyway we meet it in time =)
Our performance was very successful and we drink some Tiger Beers to celebrate. The Vietnam I tried 2 new kinds of meat, rat's meat (1 bite nia) plus rabbit meat (1 piece). All tasted ok! haha!
Well I will stop at here now, will provide links to 2 Videos: "带种 Morning Call, 弟阿's Morning Call (where I am the star of the show) very soon! See ya!
团体比较红(From left to right: 弟阿,哲孟,伟书,达坤, ROTO) :
团体比较红 plus Manager and No.1 Fan:
It turns out that our No.1 fan and Manager are best fren and i decided to take photo for them but 哲孟 had to put his 2 fingers and spoilt everything:
Our No.1 Fan taking snap shots of us:
The groom:
Terence decided to try out a new image but in the end we find that it wasn't suitable for him:
The world's sweetest coffee I ever drank Shiok it:
Beautiful Sight:

Got Paparizi (Dog Zhai Grp) Take our pictures so we hide our face:

Their Market Scold ppl:
Our Room(7 ppl stay hor):